The Influence of Mothers’ Occupations on Children’s Upbringing: A Survey Research
Calister L. Nwadi1*, Margaret N. Ezeaku1, Glory M. Nwakpadolu2
1Department of Home Economics and Hospitality Management Education, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Enugu State, Nigeria
2Department of Agricultural and Home Economics Education, Michael Okpala University of Agriculture, Umudike, Abia State, Nigeria
*Correspondence: Calister L. Nwadi, Department of Home Economics and Hospitality Management Education, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Enugu State, Nigeria (Email:
Abstract: This study investigated the influence of mothers' occupation on children's upbringing in the Udenu Local Government Area in Enugu State. Specifically, the study aimed to determine the feeding, clothing, academic, and health practices adopted by mothers in Enugu State. The study utilized a survey research design, focusing on the Udenu Local Government Area. A sample of three hundred respondents was used, and data was collected through questionnaires. The instrument was face validated by experts from the Department of Home Economics and Hospitality Management Education at the University of Nigeria Nsukka. To ensure reliability, a trial testing was conducted, resulting in a Cronbach alpha reliability estimate of 0.87. Data analysis involved frequency count and percentages. The findings revealed limited mother care in terms of children's feeding, clothing, health, and academic upbringing, which was attributed to the negative influence of the mothers' occupation. Recommendations were made to enhance children's upbringing, including an increase in maternity leave to allow mothers to spend quality time with their children.
Keywords: Childbearing, Children, Mother, Occupation, Upbringing
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How to cite:
Nwadi, C.L., Ezeaku, M.N., & Nwakpadolu, G.M. (2023). The Influence of Mothers' Occupations on Children's Upbringing: A Survey Research. International Journal of Home Economics, Hospitality and Allied Research, 2(2), 187-197.